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五、在建立声学模型时,可以用Deep Learning的方法来代替GMM-HMM中的GMM,因为GMM模拟任意函数的功能取决于混合高斯函数的个数,所以具有一定的局限性,属于浅层模型。而Deep Network可以模拟任意的函数,因而表达能力更强。注意,这里用来代替GMM的Deep Nets模型要求是产生式模型,比如DBN,DBM等,因为在训练HMM-DL网络时,需要用到HMM的某个状态产生一个样本的概率。

一、离散输出的隐马尔科夫模型(DHMMHMM with discrete outputs
最大似然参数估计EMBaum Welch算法
The script dhmm_em_demo.m gives an example of how to learn an HMM with discrete outputs. Let there be Q=2 states and O=3 output symbols. We create random stochastic matrices as follows.
O = 3;
Q = 2;
prior0 = normalise(rand(Q,1));
transmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q));
obsmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,O)); 
Now we sample nex=20 sequences of length T=10 each from this model, to use as training data.
T=10;   %序列长度
nex=20;  %样本序列数目
data = dhmm_sample(prior0, transmat0, obsmat0, nex, T);      
Here data is 20x10. Now we make a random guess as to what the parameters are,
prior1 = normalise(rand(Q,1)); %初始状态概率
transmat1 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q)); %初始状态转移矩阵
obsmat1 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,O)); %初始观测状态到隐藏状态间的概率转移矩阵
and improve our guess using 5 iterations of EM...
[LL, prior2, transmat2, obsmat2] = dhmm_em(data, prior1, transmat1, obsmat1, 'max_iter', 5);
%prior2, transmat2, obsmat2 为训练好后的初始概率,状态转移矩阵及混合状态概率转移矩阵
LL(t) is the log-likelihood after iteration t, so we can plot the learning curve.
To evaluate the log-likelihood of a trained model given test data, proceed as follows:
loglik = dhmm_logprob(data, prior2, transmat2, obsmat2)  %HMM测试
Note: the discrete alphabet is assumed to be {1, 2, ..., O}, where O = size(obsmat, 2). Hence data cannot contain any 0s.
To classify a sequence into one of k classes, train up k HMMs, one per class, and then compute the log-likelihood that each model gives to the test sequence; if the i'th model is the most likely, then declare the class of the sequence to be class i.
Computing the most probable sequence (Viterbi)
First you need to evaluate B(i,t) = P(y_t | Q_t=i) for all t,i:
B = multinomial_prob(data, obsmat);
Then you can use
[path] = viterbi_path(prior, transmat, B) 

二、具有高斯混合输出的隐马尔科夫模型(GHMM,HMM with mixture of Gaussians outputs
Maximum likelihood parameter estimation using EM (Baum Welch)
Let us generate nex=50 vector-valued sequences of length T=50; each vector has size O=2.
O = 2;
T = 50;
nex = 50;
data = randn(O,T,nex);
Now let use fit a mixture of M=2 Gaussians for each of the Q=2 states using K-means.
M = 2;
Q = 2;
left_right = 0;

prior0 = normalise(rand(Q,1));
transmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,Q));

[mu0, Sigma0] = mixgauss_init(Q*M, reshape(data, [O T*nex]), cov_type);
mu0 = reshape(mu0, [O Q M]);
Sigma0 = reshape(Sigma0, [O O Q M]);
mixmat0 = mk_stochastic(rand(Q,M));

Finally, let us improve these parameter estimates using EM.
[LL, prior1, transmat1, mu1, Sigma1, mixmat1] = ...
    mhmm_em(data, prior0, transmat0, mu0, Sigma0, mixmat0, 'max_iter', 2);
Since EM only finds a local optimum, good initialisation is crucial. The initialisation procedure illustrated above is very crude, and is probably not adequate for real applications... Click here for a real-world example of EM with mixtures of Gaussians using BNT.
It is possible for p(x) > 1 if p(x) is a probability density function, such as a Gaussian. (The requirements for a density are p(x)>0 for all x and int_x p(x) = 1.) In practice this usually means your covariance is shrinking to a point/delta function, so you should increase the width of the prior (see below), or constrain the matrix to be spherical or diagonal, or clamp it to a large fixed constant (not learn it at all). It is also very helpful to ensure the components of the data vectors have small and comparable magnitudes (use e.g., KPMstats/standardize).
This is a well-known pathology of maximum likelihood estimation for Gaussian mixtures: the global optimum may place one mixture component on a single data point, and give it 0 covariance, and hence infinite likelihood. One usually relies on the fact that EM cannot find the global optimum to avoid such pathologies.
Since I implicitly add a prior to every covariance matrix (see below), what increases is loglik + log(prior), but what I print is just loglik, which may occasionally decrease. This suggests that one of your mixture components is not getting enough data. Try a better initialization or fewer clusters (states).
Estimates of the covariance matrix often become singular if you have too little data, or if too few points are assigned to a cluster center due to a bad initialization of the means. In this case, you should constrain the covariance to be spherical or diagonal, or adjust the prior (see below), or try a better initialization.
Buried inside of KPMstats/mixgauss_Mstep you will see that cov_prior is initialized to 0.01*I. This is added to the maximum likelihood estimate after every M step. To change this, you will need to modify the mhmm_em function so it calls mixgauss_Mstep with a different value.
Sequence classification
To classify a sequence (e.g., of speech) into one of k classes (e.g., the digits 0-9), proceed as in the DHMM case above, but use the following procedure to compute likelihood:
loglik = mhmm_logprob(data, prior, transmat, mu, Sigma, mixmat);
Computing the most probable sequence (Viterbi)
First you need to evaluate B(t,i) = P(y_t | Q_t=i) for all t,i:
B = mixgauss_prob(data(:,:,ex), mu, Sigma, mixmat);
where data(:,:,ex) is OxT where O is the size of the observation vector. Finally, use
[path] = viterbi_path(prior, transmat, B);
This is just like the mixture of Gaussians case, except we have M=1, and hence there is no mixing matrix.
Online EM for discrete HMMs/ POMDPs
For some applications (e.g., reinforcement learning/ adaptive control), it is necessary to learn a model online. The script dhmm_em_online_demo gives an example of how to do this.